Safe Driving Tips for Easter Weekend

Car Accidents

Introduction As the Easter weekend approaches, many people across Florida are gearing up for travel and celebrations. However, with increased traffic and potential hazards on the road, it’s essential to prioritize safety above all else. At Jodat Law Group, we understand the importance of safe driving, especially during holidays like Easter. That’s why we’ve compiled…

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Florida Texting and Driving Law

Car Accidents

The Florida governor recently signed a bill to make texting and driving a primary offense. Here are some of the main points of this new Florida texting and driving law: Florida Texting and Driving Law Main Points – Driver can hold their phone while driving and talking There is one exception to this general rule…

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Golf Cart Injuries: How to Avoid an Accident

Car Accidents

Golf cart injuries are common in the Sunshine State. There is a wide-spread interest in the game of golf due to the favorable conditions and year-round emphasis on outdoor recreation. According to the National Golf Foundation, there are an estimated 1,050 golf courses and 25 million golfers in Florida. Golf Cart Injuries Are Common In…

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Will marijuana legalization cause more car accidents?

Car Accidents

It is illegal to drive while impaired by marijuana, but how can impairment be measured and regulated? With alcohol intoxication, a breathalyzer test can determine the exact blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in an individual’s body. If a driver is above the legal limit of 0.08 percent, he or she may be charged with driving under…

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