
The Dangers of Tailgating – Venice Auto Accident Attorneys

Car Accidents

Tailgating is an extremely dangerous driving behavior. Drivers may tailgate because they’re in a hurry, because they’re frustrated with the driver in front of them, or due to poor driving skills. Whatever the reason, it is unsafe to tailgate, and engaging in this driving behavior is a common cause of rear-end collisions. Just over one-third…

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Comparative Negligence – Sarasota Car Accident Lawyers

The outcome of an auto accident claim is based upon the legal concept of negligence. The individual who caused the accident by failing to exercise a reasonable level of care will be held responsible for the damages. In some cases, one driver is entirely at fault. In many others, however, both drivers have been negligent…

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Florida Motorcycle Accidents: Compensation for Motorcycle Injuries

Motorcycle Accidents

Florida Motorcycle Accidents and Resulting Injuries Your ability to be compensated for head and neck injuries sustained as a result of Florida motorcycle accidents will depend on the nature of the accident in which you were injured and your state’s helmet law. Overwhelming evidence suggests that wearing a helmet significantly reduces a cyclist’s chance of suffering…

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