Holiday Travel – Florida Car Accidents
March 7, 2016
Be Safe – From Your Florida Car Accident Attorneys
As the holiday season approaches, numerous drivers are planning road trips to visit family and take advantage of time off from school and work. Here in Florida, this comes on the heels of a busy vacation season, and a summer that saw a higher-than-usual number of collisions. While we don’t have the ice and snow to contend with, drivers in the Tampa area still need to take steps to prepare for the holiday season. At Jodat Law Group, our Florida car accidents attorneys are here to help you get back on your feet.
DO: Plan Ahead
Knowing where you’re going can help you avoid dangerous situations and keep your eyes on the road. Especially in busy traffic, sudden lane changes and the distraction of typing directions into a GPS device are common causes of vehicle accidents.
DO: Leave Extra Time to Get to Your Destination
During the holiday season, you can expect it to take longer than usual to get to your destination. Even if you aren’t headed downtown or to the mall, be prepared to deal with congestion in these and other high-traffic areas.
One particular danger associated with traffic congestion is road rage. Even during the holiday season, many drivers still get angry with delays and take their frustrations out on their fellow motorists. If you find yourself confronted with an aggressive driver, the best thing to do is give them room and let them be on their way.
DO: Get Up to Date on Your Car’s Maintenance
If you’re going to be sitting in long delays and dealing with stop-and-go traffic, it is generally a good idea to make sure that your car is up to the task. From worn brakes to burnt-out brake lights, there are a number of basic maintenance items that can lead to car accidents if they aren’t taken care of.
DON’T: Text or Talk on the Phone Behind the Wheel
While it may be tempting to check in with friends and family while you are traveling for the holidays, it is best to do this once you are safely off of the road. As many as four out of five auto accidents involve some form of distracted driving – including texting and talking on the phone behind the wheel.
DON’T: Drink and Drive
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly a third of all traffic-related deaths are the result of drunk driving. This holiday season, all drivers need to be vigilant about keeping themselves, their friends, and their family members from driving while impaired.
Jodat Law Group | Florida Car Accident Attorneys In Sarasota
If you are injured in a vehicle collision this holiday season, the Florida car accident attorneys at Jodat Law Group can help you seek just compensation. With offices in Bradenton, Sarasota, Tampa, and Venice, we serve clients throughout the greater Tampa area. For more information about what you should do after a car accident, please contact us today.