How to fight an unfair traffic ticket

Call Your Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Sarasota – Jodat Law Group

Whether it is for running a stop sign or red light, speeding, driving recklessly, or any other type of traffic violation, getting a traffic ticket can be more than an inconvenience. Traffic violations can take a toll on your record and negatively impact your insurance rates. If undeserved, there are ways to legally fight tickets, with our experience traffic ticket lawyers. Understanding key components to contesting a violation can increase your chances of a case dismissal. Our traffic ticket lawyer at Jodat Law Group in Sarasota can help you today!


  • Challenging the officer’s judgement can prove fruitful in a court of law. In situations involving changing traffic variables, argue your actions as ‘safe and responsible.’ You may have deemed your left turn into traffic as safe due to the lack of traffic during that particular hour. Note the officer’s location. His perspective of the alleged violation may be questionable from his view. Any challenge to the officer’s subjective report may strengthen your case.
  • The officer’s objective observations paint a picture of what actually happened. These include concrete evidence, such as presence of stop signs or speedometer readings. Challenging these observations with your own evidence may cast a shadow of doubt on the violation. Gather statements from any witnesses. If the situation happened at an intersection, prepare a simple chart diagramming your location in relation to the officer’s location. Include traffic lights, stop signs, and any other key points. Photographs of road conditions, faded traffic signs, or any other important visuals may help prove your innocence.
  • Prove the traffic violation was necessary to avoid a dangerous situation. For example, you may have had to accelerate to avoid a merging car going too fast. You may have been tailgated by an eighteen wheeler, and thereby forced into the left lane above the speed limit to let it by. Perhaps an animal or small child running into the road caused you to swerve over a double yellow line. All these situations justify a legal “necessity” defense. Presenting these facts may help convince the judge that the traffic violation was justified.

Additional Tips:

  • Be polite. As frustrated as you may be, it is imperative you remain calm and collected during your interaction with the officer. Acting belligerent or making a scene may be documented, haunting you in court.
  • Avoid admission of guilt or excuses. Do not admit to knowing why you were pulled over when asked. Traffic police hear intricate excuses every day. Keeping a low profile will leave little for the officer to document, which will ultimately work in your favor.
  • Review the ticket immediately. Politely ask for any inaccuracies to be fixed. If you notice mistakes that may work in your favor, such as wrong license plate or street, silently disregard them, as they will strengthen your chances of a dismissal.

Jodat Law Group – Traffic Violation Attorneys

In Florida, there are seemingly countless types of traffic violations. Sorting out the true information from the false can be overwhelming. Jodat Law Group is here to help you understand the process of fighting a traffic ticket. Since 1994, our firm has been serving clients throughout Florida. Call us today for a free consultation.